Digital Women’s Health is a research group bringing positive change to the design and research of digital technologies for women’s bodily transitions.
The Digital Women’s Health research group has expertise in the research, design and evaluation of digital technologies for women’s health. Over the last ten years we have undertaken design explorations around key transitions of women’s health, such as reproductive and sexual health and maternal health. By designing with women and with care for the body, we aim to raise awareness for and destigmatize often ignored areas of women’s health. With our design research, we provide and sustain body knowledge and curiosity in women, and develop methods to design for sensitive and tabooed areas. We want our research to have societal and political impact, rethinking which role digital technologies may have in supporting women’s reproductive and sexual health and responding to global challenges in relation to women’s inequality.
Menarche, Menstrual Cycles and Menopause
In our team, we are currently working on projects related to bodily experiences of menarche, menstrual cycles and menopause, by designing and developing digital technologies that make space for bodily transitions and enable trust and curiosity towards the uncertainty of changing bodies.
People of Digital Women’s Health
The Digital Women’s Health research group is affiliated with KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and part of the Interaction Design research team.
People involved in the research group:

Madeline Balaam
Associate Professor
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Anna Ståhl
PhD, Senior Researcher

Marianela Ciolfi Felice
Assistant Professor
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Nadia Campo Woytuk
PhD student in Interaction Design
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Jooyoung Park
PhD student in Interaction Design
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Allies & collaborators:

Airi Lampinen
Associate Professor
Stockholm University

Deepika Yadav
Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow at Stockholm University

Özgun Kilic
PhD student in Interaction Design
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard
Postdoctoral Researcher
Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Maria Kjærup
PhD student
Aalborg University