TILLIT project: Seeking Ex-Natural Cycles users for interviews

Researchers at KTH and Stockholm University are looking for participants to interview about people’s experiences of using and then stopping using Natural Cycles as a form of contraception. All ex-users of Natural Cycles who were using it in Birth Control mode and now no longer use Natural Cycles in any mode are welcome to participate. The researchers particularly encourage participation from LGBTQ+ folks. 

The research team welcomes participation from across the globe and will work with participants to accommodate time zone differences as far as possible.

Who can participate?

  • If you are aged 18+
  • If you have used Natural Cycles in Birth Control mode in the last six months but have now stopped using Natural Cycles in any mode.

How can you participate?

Interviews will be conducted online using video-conferencing software (Zoom). Participants can choose to participate with or without a video feed.  As some information may be sensitive or personal, you are always free to answer only the questions that you are comfortable with. Interviews can be conducted in English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, French, Korean, and Hindi.

How will your data be handled?

Your identity will not be known by anyone other than the research team directly involved in the study. None of your personal details will be stored alongside your recordings and you will be given a code so that your information will be protected. Any recordings of you will be stored securely at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. All data will be handled in accordance with GDPR.

I’m interested. What next? 

You can register your interest to participate in this study here: https://www.kth.se/form/tillit-project

Interviews will last about one hour. Unfortunately due to employment law in Sweden we are unable to compensate participants for their time. 

Feel free to contact tillit-project@kth.se if you have any questions.
